About Us
Hey there!! My name is Allie and I’m the owner of Fashion Allie, a fashionable boutique clothing women in strength & dignity to laugh without fear of the future! Where did it all begin, you may be asking? Well I’m here to tell you, it all began with an 8th grade career fair and a spark within that has lit the way ever since!
I love to reflect and reminisce on the places my career path has taken me and the memories I have made along the way, for they have truly helped shape me into the woman I am today! From coursework and on-the-job training in high school, to declaring a major in Apparel Marketing at Kansas State University, to sorority life, fashion clubs, volunteering, and job opportunities amidst, to studying Fashion Merchandising Management at the Fashion Institute in NYC, to working in Coach handbags at the largest Macy’s in the world, to interning for Tommy Hilfiger and helping with fashion shows during Fashion Week... the list goes on and on! With 2 fashion degrees in hand at the end of my 4-year college experience, I can whole-heartedly claim that I pursued that spark within me to the fullest!
While bits of life were mixed in between, the path wasn’t easy and was dark and scary at times. Although my path led me in a much different direction following college, the spark never burnt out. As life would have it, the greatest blessing of all took me by surprise, filled a void within me that I didn’t even know existed, and gave that spark new meaning! Paislee Annalynn made me a mommy and that spark began to burn even brighter with the desire to provide for her and be the one she would always look up to. My focus became less about me and more about her and that was a pivotal change in my life. She would soon teach me the true meaning of life, love, and balance and how to use my spark to help others.
The path of life has led us far from our Kansas home & family and has been a very tough path to follow the past 12 years & counting, but every bump in the road has taught us what means most in life and has made us that much stronger! The spark within has continued to burn and I have stayed the path, making it prettier with each and every opportunity that I have been blessed with! As 2018 came to a close, I finally felt the timing was right to take the leap of faith and start my own boutique! The degrees, experiences, and management opportunities were all stepping stones on my path that prepared me for living out my dream! A dream I’ve had since 8th grade, a dream I never gave up on, a dream I hope will make my daughter & family proud, and a dream I hope will make a difference in the lives of others! My passion for fashion remains and it is my greatest hope to be able to use my passion to help clothe women in strength & dignity to laugh without fear of the future and to help them pave their own path & make it pretty, no matter where life takes them. Here’s to you and to us, let’s do it together, one passion, one piece of clothing, and one pretty path at a time!
The path of life has led us far from our Kansas home & family and has been a very tough path to follow the past 12 years & counting, but every bump in the road has taught us what means most in life and has made us that much stronger! The spark within has continued to burn and I have stayed the path, making it prettier with each and every opportunity that I have been blessed with! As 2018 came to a close, I finally felt the timing was right to take the leap of faith and start my own boutique! The degrees, experiences, and management opportunities were all stepping stones on my path that prepared me for living out my dream! A dream I’ve had since 8th grade, a dream I never gave up on, a dream I hope will make my daughter & family proud, and a dream I hope will make a difference in the lives of others! My passion for fashion remains and it is my greatest hope to be able to use my passion to help clothe women in strength & dignity to laugh without fear of the future and to help them pave their own path & make it pretty, no matter where life takes them. Here’s to you and to us, let’s do it together, one passion, one piece of clothing, and one pretty path at a time!